Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We should get down to business of governing

The political situation now is unprecedented in the country. The situation over the past few days will be uncertain – dogged by the opposition claims that they will take over the government within the next few days and the government’s pooh-pooh over the suggestion. But the greatest losers will be the common people. Over the past few months, leaders on both sides of the political divide have been caught in little battles of their own, diverting them from the attention of much bigger issues at hand – governing the country and winning back the confidence of the people and more importantly, the investors. And the sad thing really, is that this situation is threatening to drag on. And this happening over the period where we are supposed to be celebrating 51 years of independence is very unfortunate and shameful. It would seem that that the story of how our forefathers struggled to achieve independence was furthest from our minds now. 51 years and we are supposed to be reaping and enjoying the fruits of our labour – and here we are pushing back years of progress and development our former leaders had so painstakingly acquired over the decades.

I urged all political leaders – myself included no doubt – to refrain from saying or doing anything that will worsen the current situation – events have still to unfold over the next few days – and instead to undertake measures that will put back some form of sanity into the political scenario. I think what the people really want to see now is the government of the day getting back into their actual businesses of governing the country. What they really want, for us now and for their future generations, is a Malaysia that is united and progressive and dynamic, a place where we can celebrate (not tolerate) our multi-racial and multi-religious mix, somewhere we can all call home and be regarded as true Malaysians (not referred to by any other terms). We are ONE country, ONE people.

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我国目前的政治局势是空前的。过去一些日子的局势非常不稳定- 反对党宣称,他们将在今后几天内接管政府,而政府认为,这个说法不可能实现。然而,最大的输家将是老百姓。 过去几个月来,政治分歧的双方领袖不时发生争执,而没有把注意力放在更重大的问题上,那就是,好好治理国家,以赢回人民的信心,而更重要的是,争取恢复投资者的信心。 然而,令人遗憾的是,双方的争执情况依然持续,而且是在我国庆祝独立51周年期间发生,这是不幸和令人感到可耻的事。我们的先辈为争取独立而展开斗争的故事显然已经远离我们。 51 年来,我们理应获取和享受到我们艰苦努力所取得的成果 – 如今,我们却把前任领袖过去几十年来煞费苦心取得的进展和发展往后推。

我促请所有的政治领袖 – 当然也包括我在内 – 应该避免发表或采取任何足以使目前的局势恶化的言论和行动。 一些事件可能会在今后几天内陆续发生,因此,他们应该采取一些措施,使我国的政治局势恢复正常和健全。我认为,人民现在真正要看到的是,现今政府恢复监管国家的实际任务。实际上,为了我们这一代和子子孙孙,人民希望看到的是一个团结、进步和朝气蓬勃的马来西亚,一个可以让我们感到非常庆幸(非容忍)的多元种族和多元宗教信仰的地方,也是我们大家可以称为家园,以及可以被视为真正的马来西亚人(没有附带任何条件)的地方。我们是 “一个国家,一个人民”。


Anonymous said...

No Dato Seri Fong, we are ONE country, Two peoples. Thanks to the component parties of BN for contributing this concept. All your rhetoric will not change a damn thing. Only a change of least, we will have hope. The wind of change is gathering speed and hopefully, the change will be a reality.
Yes. you are correct to say, 51 years of Independence, we have all contributed to the developments of this country. Unfortunately, the sole winner is the corrupted party UMNO, with her divide and rule policies. Let's not pretend it is not happening still. Yet, MCA still a stooge to UMNO and no justification, to remain in the BN coalition.
I have been away for the last 30 years, nothing has changed. We are still called, 'Squatters'! NEP is still actively practiced, to deprive non-malays their rights as a citizen.
MCA is just a toothless barking dog
and a 'Pretender' fighting for the rights of the Chinese community.

Anonymous said...

i totally sgree with you. We want stability in politic in this country and only the economy will grow and benefit everyone. The country leaders must think the welfare of the people and care of all Malaysia. Leaders must not be selfish and only think of achieving their goals and dreams. Rakyat first. Pak Lah must go down fast if he cares for us.

Anonymous said...

YB, you should lead MCA. You are the most senior in MCA and won the most votes in last election. Please lead and change MCA to help Malaysians.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for standing up for Teresa and RPK. MCA, Please exert extreme pressure and amplify your stand against ISA in the cabinet. Any wrongs must be corrected now.

Anonymous said...

Dato are a lone voice in this crowded and uncertain times. The rakyat has lost thier patience with the UNMO lead BN government. Take a look at how they use the ISA. It does not matter wherether MCA has a commanding lead in the parliament. UMNO just does what they like.

If you have the courage and conviction like Zaid Ibrahim, just do it.

Anonymous said...

plz stop all these things..we are being a laughing stock all over the world..wat is really happening??

common ppl do wana see changes..for better n not for worst!!and not place common ppl in between to suffer..

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Fong;

One for all & All for one!

Hail to the King!!!


Anonymous said...

Dr Fong,
What you preach is not what you do.
You say that Malaysians are one people but your party champions only the Chinese - or is that no longer what the C in MCA stand for? All the bickering for posts at a time when the country is in turmoil is really pathetic. Do what a real Malaysian would do.

Take a cue from Zaid. Now, that is a towering Malaysian.

Don't be afraid of rocking the status quo. 28 years of systematic oppression (after 1969), of Umnoisation of the government, of feeling less than equal ... that is not the status quo we want. Leave now and give Malaysia a fighting chance.

Anonymous said...

Your clear thinking, statesmanship and integrity are wasted. Please do the honourable thing and join the opposition where your skills can make a big difference to ordinary Malaysians. We need people like you to help us who have no voice.

Rakyat Teraniaya said...

Datuk Fong,
For all that is happening now, I think you are the only other person in MCA that I still have respect for besides Chui Jui Meng and I hope you will do justice for the Malaysian chinese people. JOIN PAKATAN RAKYAT and denounce the evil badawi-najib-khairy umno regime.
Umno has shown that they do not respect the chinese rights and they do not respect the mca as to them the mca is only their "main door guard dogs" that we chinese are just illegal immigrants and we are just "menumpang".
Datuk, do the right thing, for you, for the Malaysian chinese and for your future generation.

Anonymous said...

The more you read about why Teresa was detained under the ISA and not those who publish and tell lies about her, the angier one gets. The selective detention of innocent people like Teresa and Tan while those who have uttered and written seditious words are still free really makes you sick of the government!