Monday, September 22, 2008

No Need For Race Relations Act

I personally do not see how the adoption of the proposed Race Relations Act will strengthen race relations in the country in the long term. I think we are looking at it from a wrong angle. Any law does not foster good relations. All it does is punish those who are found to have violated it. What we need is some form of social engineering. We should not adopt a “hard” stance in our long term objective to foster better relations amongst Malaysians. Instead, we should use the “soft” approach ie. educating and nurturing Malaysians to appreciate the values of respecting each other and enjoying each other’s friendship. Such values must be imbued in every young Malaysian so that they will grow up accepting other races as Malaysians. Instilling and not enforcing such values should be the focus of the government's effort.

I feel the situation is not as bad as we all assume it to be. Malaysians, in general, can mix well with each other. More often than not, it is the callous comments from some people, including political and community leaders, that spark off “tensions”.

So let us tackle race relations from the correct perspective.

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我本人不认同,接纳建议中的种族关系法令,长远来说将加强我国的种族关系。我觉得,我们是从错误的角度看待这个问题。任何的法令都不能促进良好的关系。法令只能用来惩罚违反它的人。我们需要的是社会关系的加强。对于促进马来西亚人民之间的关系的长远目标,我们不应该采取“强硬”的立场。相反的,我们应该采用“软”.的方法,例如教育,以及向马来西亚人灌输鉴赏互相尊重和享受彼此间友好关系的价值观。这些价值观更应该向每一名年小的马来西亚人灌输,以便在他们成长后,能够接受其他种族为马来西亚人。 灌输这些价值观的工作,应该成为政府做出努力的重点项目。




Anonymous said...

Totally agree with what you say. And the government can and should set an example by being fair to all citizens - not selectively!

Anonymous said...

The first thing MCA should do is stop talking about speaking up for the Chinese. Ong Ka Ting still has pushing "we will continue speak up for the chinese" after 51 years of discrimination.....a shamless and total disgrace kind of person. MCA should speak for all more bumi and non-bumi statement.

Anonymous said...

Ong Ka Ting in the first place should stop claiming that he speaks for the Chinese because he absolutely DOES NOT. He is not even in the Cabinet! He is running away from his responsibilities after leading the MCA into total failure in the March 18 General Election.

Anonymous said...

Integration of races, starts from open-mindedness parents, schools with teachers aware of their responsibility, to foster goodwill among students and a govt that promotes multiculturalism. So far Malaysia have failed... to achieve this object. The primarily reason is lack of political will. Racial parties like UMNO, MCA and MIC still using the race card to clinch on to power, obviously, not doing this country a favor.
Dato Seri, your thoughts may be constructive, like I mentioned many times before, reform MCA and make it into a multi-racial party.
Introduction of the Race Relations Act, is another UMNO-BN piece of propaganda that will not bear fruit...a cry in the wilderness!

Anonymous said...

I was watching CNN or BBC news when the former PM,Lee was interviewed.He said his secret in leading Singapore was that he treated all races the same, provided equal opportunities for everyone to complete. If Malaysian leaders can learn from him. When all races are treated equally. They all will be more committed to work hard and serve the country. Our fellow bumi friends will also work hard too rather than thinking that they will get some kinds of privilges or support from the government. At present, this kind of attitude could be seen in our young people!