汽车的费用一直是社会人士热烈讨论的课题。国际贸易及工业部长穆斯达法上个月再次公开重申,政府发出的进口汽车准证数额将保持在汽车销量的百分之10, 其中特许经营权持有者占百分之4。
1983年,当时的首相敦马哈迪设立了普腾国产车公司,与三菱公司合作制造国产车。1986年,我国第一个款型国产车普腾赛加(Proton Saga) 在市场上推出。1993年,第二国产车Perodua公司宣告成立,并且与日本大发公司合作生产了第二款国产车1300cc的灵鹿( Perodua Kancil)
1. 过去的挑战与愿望
当然,这肯定造成了普腾赛加汽车和其他非国产车之间的价格出现很大的差距,普腾赛加因此在当时攫取了80% 以上的市场比重。其他的汽车厂商(例如代理日产的陈唱和代理本田的Oriental )由于获得献议与普腾建立合伙关系,为普腾汽车制造部件和零件而得到补偿。
表 1:世界汽车价格比较
来源: 各厂商和汽车网站。
1) 在中国销售的普腾 Gen 2 称为 Europestar L3。
2) 在马来西亚、泰国和台湾的本田 Jazz 装有 1.5 引擎。
3) 在新加坡、台湾和印度的福特 Fiesta 装有自动变速器。
表一显示了一些要点。在马来西亚市场销售的非国产品牌的汽车价格,自然比普腾或第二国产汽车昂贵很多。例如本田城市(1.5cc)的价格为85,480 令吉,比普腾 Gen2(1.6cc) 的价格高了 41%。
这些非国产品牌 (例如本田和福特) 的汽车在我国出售的价格当然也免不了比世界其他国家昂贵很多,反映出我国对这些汽车征收高昂税务,造成这些汽车在马来西亚市场的销售受到不利影响。
令人感兴趣的另一个要点是,普腾和第二国产车公司却以比国内低的价格出口它们制造的汽车到其他国家。例如第二国产车Myvi 在英国的售价是36,792令吉,而在我国市场的售价是46,400令吉。这是否反映出,政府为普腾和第二国产车提供部分补贴的情况是我们必须说明的一个问题。
2.汽车 准证是在怎样的情况下出现,以及为什么出现
我国目前总共有76名开放式准证和37名特许经营准证的持有人。政府在2004年发出了51,559 张准证,而在2007年发出的准证总数则减少到 27,838 张。不过,在 2008 年,准证总数激增到 40,886 张,而在2009年再次减少到大约 20,000 张。
3. 马来西亚消费人的工业成本
马来西亚在过去5年的汽车销售量已经增加(参阅表二);从2006年的490,768 辆增加到2010 年的605,156 辆。汽车销量大增,主要原因是我国具有低利息、条件宽大的贷款便利,而且政府为汽油价格提供大量的补贴。
表二:马来西亚汽车销售量 (以辆计算).
来源: 马来西亚汽车公会
表二显示普腾和第二国产车是主要的业者。两者总共占据市场大约 55% 的比重。
来源: 维基百科
假设一辆汽车有5年的寿命,平均每个月消耗400公升汽油,拥有和使用一辆福特Fiesta每年的费用是23,098令吉,而普腾 Gen2 的费用是21,218令吉。以费用差异幅度不大来看,非国产车品牌能够攫取本地汽车市场相当大的比重,并不令人感到意外。
表三也说明,以全球为基础,在马来西亚拥有和使用非国产车品牌(例如本田或福特)的费用,和泰国、中国或印度的费用差不多一样。例如,在马来西亚拥有和使用一辆本田西域,每年的费用是32,116 令吉,而在印度的费用是33,705 令吉,在泰国是30,224 令吉。这是因为马来西亚对这些品牌汽车征收高昂的税务,已经被我国汽车使用者享有的更大汽油补贴所抵消。
4. 不能与世界趋势接轨
虽然政府多次进行探究,以便和一家世界汽车公司建立策略合伙关系,但是,国产车公司拒绝对进口汽车实施 10% 关税最高额,说明我国的汽车业和世界其他国家是多么的不接轨。
由于我国还没有组装或制造混合动力汽车,我国人民如果要购买这种汽车,就必须先获取准证才能进口。然而,政府实际上已经废除对所有 2,000cc 以下的混合动力汽车征收进口税。
5. 向前迈进
也许,政府应该考虑提早在2015年撤销准证制度。此外,我国必须考虑到,全球制造的2千万辆传统汽车 的产量已经过剩,因此,政府也应该使它对汽车业的雄心降温。
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Malaysian Automobile Industry: Burden or Catalyst?
by Dr Fong Chan Onn
The cost of cars is always a hot topic of social discussions. Just last month, the International Trade and Industry (MITI) Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed had again to publicly reiterate that the number of Approved Permits (AP) for imported cars was still being kept at 10% of car sales, with 4% for franchise holders.
Why is the Government still maintaining the AP System? Why is there still a need to protect the industry players who have benefitted so much over the last 4 decades or so that the system has been in place? These and other issues have spurred me to pen this article.
Back in the 70’s, the automotive industry was seen as the forerunner industry for countries attempting to industrialize. The automobile contains hundreds of components, and was considered the ideal industry that can stimulate manufacturing activities based on the substitution of imported components (tires, pistons etc) with local parts.
Thus, it is no wonder that Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand pushed to develop this sector after seeing the successes it had in Japan and Korea. Honda, Mazda, Kia became brand names longed to be emulated by us.
In 1983 Tun Dr Mathathir Mohamad, the then Prime Minister, established Proton to build the national car in collaboration with Mitsubishi. And the legendary Proton Saga was rolled out in 1986 as the first model of our national car (NC). In 1993 Perodua was established and, in collaboration with Daihatsu, launched the Perodua Kancil as the second NC serving the 1300cc car segment.
The main objective of the automotive vision was to spin off local (particularly Bumiputra) suppliers, create job opportunities, upgrade the know-how of our workforce, and ultimately to create a local identity for the Malaysian automobile sector.
As there have been numerous articles written on the history of Proton and Perodua, I will not dwell into the subject. Rather I would like to take a more holistic approach to discuss this much-protected sector.
1. Past Challenges and Aspirations
The main challenge for Malaysia to build the national car was market size. In the early 1980s, the Malaysian market for passenger vehicles was about 80,000 units per year – slightly less than the minimum efficient size for automobile manufacture of 100,000 units per year.
Unfortunately, the mid-1980s also saw the world going into a deep recession. And the Malaysian automobile market was further worsened by the fragmentation of a large number of auto models and assemblers.
The Government remedied the shortfalls by using licensing procedures together with high tariffs for non-national car (NNC) models.
This, of course, resulted in substantial price differences between Proton Saga and other NNC models, enabling the Saga to capture over 80% of the market share then. The other car manufacturers (eg Tan Chong for Nissan and Oriental for Honda) were compensated by being offered partnerships with Proton for the manufacture of Proton components and parts.
The Perodua Kencil, launched in 1994, also captured a large share of the 1300cc car market, and quickly emerged to be part of the national automobile scene.
Notwithstanding the emergence of the NCs, the main issue, ironically, was a sever constraint on choices for Malaysian car buyers.
With high tariffs on NNC CKDs and imported components, consumers are penalized heavily if they choose to buy these (locally-assembled) NNC models; and with the AP system in place, the prices for the imported models are even higher.
Table 1 compares the prices of several popular brands of cars in Malaysia and the world.
The cost of cars is always a hot topic of social discussions. Just last month, the International Trade and Industry (MITI) Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed had again to publicly reiterate that the number of Approved Permits (AP) for imported cars was still being kept at 10% of car sales, with 4% for franchise holders.
Why is the Government still maintaining the AP System? Why is there still a need to protect the industry players who have benefitted so much over the last 4 decades or so that the system has been in place? These and other issues have spurred me to pen this article.
Back in the 70’s, the automotive industry was seen as the forerunner industry for countries attempting to industrialize. The automobile contains hundreds of components, and was considered the ideal industry that can stimulate manufacturing activities based on the substitution of imported components (tires, pistons etc) with local parts.
Thus, it is no wonder that Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand pushed to develop this sector after seeing the successes it had in Japan and Korea. Honda, Mazda, Kia became brand names longed to be emulated by us.
In 1983 Tun Dr Mathathir Mohamad, the then Prime Minister, established Proton to build the national car in collaboration with Mitsubishi. And the legendary Proton Saga was rolled out in 1986 as the first model of our national car (NC). In 1993 Perodua was established and, in collaboration with Daihatsu, launched the Perodua Kancil as the second NC serving the 1300cc car segment.
The main objective of the automotive vision was to spin off local (particularly Bumiputra) suppliers, create job opportunities, upgrade the know-how of our workforce, and ultimately to create a local identity for the Malaysian automobile sector.
As there have been numerous articles written on the history of Proton and Perodua, I will not dwell into the subject. Rather I would like to take a more holistic approach to discuss this much-protected sector.
1. Past Challenges and Aspirations
The main challenge for Malaysia to build the national car was market size. In the early 1980s, the Malaysian market for passenger vehicles was about 80,000 units per year – slightly less than the minimum efficient size for automobile manufacture of 100,000 units per year.
Unfortunately, the mid-1980s also saw the world going into a deep recession. And the Malaysian automobile market was further worsened by the fragmentation of a large number of auto models and assemblers.
The Government remedied the shortfalls by using licensing procedures together with high tariffs for non-national car (NNC) models.
This, of course, resulted in substantial price differences between Proton Saga and other NNC models, enabling the Saga to capture over 80% of the market share then. The other car manufacturers (eg Tan Chong for Nissan and Oriental for Honda) were compensated by being offered partnerships with Proton for the manufacture of Proton components and parts.
The Perodua Kencil, launched in 1994, also captured a large share of the 1300cc car market, and quickly emerged to be part of the national automobile scene.
Notwithstanding the emergence of the NCs, the main issue, ironically, was a sever constraint on choices for Malaysian car buyers.
With high tariffs on NNC CKDs and imported components, consumers are penalized heavily if they choose to buy these (locally-assembled) NNC models; and with the AP system in place, the prices for the imported models are even higher.
Table 1 compares the prices of several popular brands of cars in Malaysia and the world.
Table 1: Comparison of Car Prices in the World